Anishinaabe Baptiste Community Organization is a not for profit organization incorporated July 23, 2007.
Our board is comprised of 7 Algonquin/ Nipissing people who are members of the Algonquin Nation Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini Community.
The Board of Directors foster pride in our Algonquin heritage and culture. Are accountable to our Community members and the Algonquin nation. We strive for the unity within our nation and foster respect for our resources: the waters: the land: and our mother earth.
We promote the education, training, and development of our Native Culture.
Our mandate is
- to promote and address the health care and education needs of our members and the community
- to encourage and foster the economic, social, cultural and spiritual development of our members and the community
- to cooperate with regional, provincial and federal ministries, departments, agencies and groups with respect to the preservation of the natural environment and the development and co-management of natural resources in the area; and
- to participate and represent the interest of our members in the Algonquin Land Claim negotiations.
Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini Community:
Our traditional and present-day community is within the area of North Hastings County in the Province of Ontario. We have resided within this area since time immemorial. Historical records and maps document our presence in the area back to the early 1700s. Baptiste Lake, our ancestral place of residents, was originally mapped as Kaijick Manito Lake. At that time, the Grand Chief of the band was Chief Ignace John Baptiste Kijicho Manito. His signature on government petitions was as a Nipissing Chief. The last Chief to reside on Baptiste Lake was Chief John Baptiste Dufond.
Our Community is one of the ten communities involved in the present-day Land Claim with the Algonquins of Ontario. In the past, our people adapted to the changes that were brought to this land by the European settlers. We are still adapting today as we struggle to maintain our identity, renew our culture, and express our heritage in both traditional and contemporary ways.
Our lands and waters, culture, and skills are one of a kind. Our best resources are our people and the inherent love we possess for this land.