Indspire – Indigenous Education is Canada’s Future Growth

Indspire is a national Indigenous registered charity that invests in the education of Indigenous people for the long term benefit of these individuals, their families and communities, and Canada.


 Upcoming Tree Marking Courses – 2019

Forests Ontario and the Canadian Institute of Forestry have entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to deliver the Ontario Tree Marking Courses, including the Level 1, Level 2, and Refresher Courses. Following is information on the courses that will be available this year:

LEVEL 1 will be held from September 9-13, 2019 in Huntsville, ON. This course will provide training sufficient to allow people to function in a tree marking crew under the supervision of a more experienced person, and for successful candidates, following a Field Evaluation Audit, can lead to issuance of a Level 1 Tree Marking Course Certificate.

LEVEL 2 Auditors Course will be held from September 24-26, 2019 at the Canadian Ecology Centre in Mattawa, ON. Successful completion of this course will allow participants to function as tree marking auditors.

Refresher Course will be held from October 1-2, 2019 in Huntsville, ON. Both Level 1 and Level 2 Certificates expire after 5 years and renewal through a Refresher Course is required prior to that time in order to maintain the qualification.

For more detailed information, including how to register for one of the above-noted courses, please click here.

Should you have any questions regarding these Courses, please contact Al Corlett, Forests Ontario by email at or by telephone at 647-880-7906.

Should you have any questions regarding registration or payment, please contact Kerry Spencer, Canadian Institute of Forestry by email at or by telephone at 705-744-1715 ext. 609


Sylvia Bowerbank Memorial Bursary – Canadian Scholarship

Information about Sylvia Bowerbank Memorial Bursary.
Click here.